From: Caro, Jackie []
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 3:51 PM
To: Dean Lynch
Subject: Rockwood Traffic Calming Projects


Dear Rockwood Neighborhood Council,


Thank you for your participation in the 2012 Traffic Calming Application process.  There were a total of seventy-four projects submitted this year throughout the City.  This is significantly larger than the first year, due to high amount of applications and a limited number of funds there were projects that could not be chosen to be funded for 2012. 


City engineers scoped all seventy-four projects, including design options, estimated cost and matching funds.  From this there were only twenty-one projects that were chosen to move on to the design and build phase.


Congratulations!  The Rockwood Neighborhood Council’s traffic calming application for a pedestrian activated light and crosswalk at 18th and Grand has been chosen to move on to the design and build phase.


If you have any questions please contact your City Councilwomen John Snyder at or 625-6254 or Mike Allen at or 625-6261.


Thank you for your participation in the Traffic Calming Program,




Jackie Caro | City of Spokane | Office of Neighborhood Services/Code Enforcement

509.625.6733 | mobile 509.499.3335|

We hope to place a new section here for blog entries on the Rockwood Blvd. Local Improvement District